August 26: Fertility Health Checks Learn More

Fertility Costs – Additional Information

Click here for a simple overview of fertility costs.

Fees For Fertility
When a decision is made to proceed with treatment, a registration fee is incurred. This fee covers establishing a clinic record as well as subscription to the Fertility Solutions patient e–newsletter that is emailed on a monthly basis and provides information around new technologies, clinic news, specific treatments and special offers.
You must have a valid referral from your GP for your nominated specialist before your cycle commences, otherwise , Medicare may not cover you for your treatments.
An estimate of costs for your treatment will be issued when you advise us that you wish to commence treatment. One of our friendly admin staff will explain these costs to you in detail and will provide you with paperwork that can be referred to as required. They will also discuss the various payment options available and the dates by which payments are required.
It is important that you contact Medicare to confirm or register your safety net details. Your Safety Net details need to be reconfirmed yearly with Medicare. If your details are not confirmed or registered Medicare may withhold payments and in some incidents will not back pay payments. Clinic staff cannot confirm your safety net details with Medicare – this is your responsibility. Learn more about the Medicare Safety Net Rebate.
Your specialist may charge additional fees depending upon the treatment you are having.   These fees are charged by the specialist’s rooms. If you are having a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle, your specialist will invoice you, a planning and management fee (Medicare item number 13209) and an Embryo Transfer fee (Medicare item number 13215).

For some IVF cycles they will invoice you a planning and management fee (Medicare item 13209), egg retrieval fee (Medicare item number 13212) and embryo transfer fee (Medicare item number 13215). Please ask the clinic for clarification as to what applies to your situation.

Private Health funds may cover some of these costs. Your specialist rooms will be able to advise you further.
If you are having treatment where you are having an anesthetic (i.e. egg or sperm collection in the hospital) then you will receive an anesthetist fee which is invoiced separately by the anesthetist practice. Your specialist rooms can tell you how to contact the anesthetist for a specific quote.
If you are having an operative procedure in a hospital setting such as an egg collection, this is performed as day surgery procedure. If you do not have private health insurance or have a gap that needs to be paid, you will be required to pay this for your day surgery procedure.

It is advisable that you contact the hospital who can provide you with a quote for your procedure. If you are having an Egg Retrieval you will need to quote the Medicare item number 13212. If you have private hospital cover, you should ring your health insurance fund to clarify.
Once your doctor has issued a cycle plan you will be given scripts by your specialist. When you collect your medications for IVF and IUI cycles at the pharmacy you will be charged a Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Co-payment implemented by the government. For other cycles there will be no PBS co-payment as the medications will need to be paid for in full. Please ask our admin team for further information on medications and billings.
If you do not have access to Medicare rebates, Please ask our administration team to explain associated costs for your treatments and medications.

Fertility Solutions Procedures Fee Structure
Fertility cycle fees can be complicated and because of this, you must attend the clinic where the fees will be explained in detail and an estimate will be provided for you. Once your specialist has provided the clinic with a cycle plan our aim is to provide you with clear, written estimates.

Depending upon your treatment type payment may be required on the day your medication is due to commence or the day before your procedure is due. For some IVF cycle types, payment will need to be paid on medication start date.
When making payments for your fertility cycle, you will be provided with the following payment options:

Credit card authority: This payment may be required on the day your medication is due to commence or the day before your procedure is due.  Should your cycle be cancelled, any relevant fees will be processed on the day of cancellation. Please ask our administration team for more information about this payment option. A 1% surcharge applies to all credit card payments.

Direct deposit: You will be required to deposit a specified amount at the beginning of cycle and the balance of the payment must be paid 3-5 days prior to your procedure. We will request a copy of the bank remittance should funds not be cleared by the bank before your procedure.
Cash: You will be required to deposit a specified amount at the beginning of your cycle. The balance is due 3-5 days before the procedure.

Cheques: You will be required to deposit a specified amount at the beginning of your cycle. The balance will need to be paid 3-5 days prior to procedure.

If you are commencing an IVF cycle, you will need to provide the clinic with a specified deposit or a signed valid credit card authority.

If a cycle is cancelled the deposit or payment made will be used to cover cancellation fees, any balance will then be refunded or retained in credit t for future treatment.
When having an IUI cycle, you must make payment by your first scan (usually around day 8-12 of your cycle). You will be asked to sign a credit card authority which will only be used on the day of the procedure. If paying by direct deposit you will need to pay at least 3 days prior to the date of your procedure. A procedure will not occur without full payment. If it is anticipated that your IUI will occur over a weekend, then you will be contacted in advance to arrange payment.

Fees will apply if your IUI cycle is cancelled. These fees are explained when you receive your estimate of costs. For more information on fees associated with an IUI cycle please ask one of our admin/accounts team.
At Fertility Solutions we have a 3 tiered structure for IVF treatments. This makes IVF more affordable for patients. When you visit your Specialist they will discuss with you what the most suitable IVF cycle treatment for you is.

IVF cycles costs can be made up of the following fees depending on which type of IVF cycle your specialists suggests for you. Our friendly administration team will explain theses cost to you when you come in for an appointment.
    • Your specialist fees
    • Your anaesthetist fees (if having a hospital procedure)
    • Your hospital fees (not applicable if having a clinic procedure)
    • Fertility Solutions fees.
    • Laboratory fees as required (i.e. ICSI, PICSI, embryo/semen vitrification (freezing) surgical sperm collection etc.). Any additional fees will be explained at this appointment.  For more information on fees associated with an IVF cycle please ask one of our admin/accounts team.
If you are paying by credit card, you will need to pay for this on the day of your transfer. If you are paying by direct deposit you will need to pay for treatment 3-5 days prior to your transfer. If you are paying by direct deposit, you will be required to provide a deposit when you start your cycle or otherwise sign a credit card authority.

Fees will apply if your cycle is cancelled. Cancellation fees will be taken out of your credit card or the deposit that is being held at the clinic. Cancellation fees are discussed at the time of fee estimates. For more information on fees associated with a FET cycle please ask one of our admin/accounts team.
Unfortunately, cycles can and do get cancelled for a variety of reasons. When you come to the clinic for your interview, cancellation fees will be explained in detail. You will also be given written information on cycle cancellations for future reference.

It is important to note that once an IVF cycle proceeds to the egg collection stage, Medicare classifies this as a full IVF cycle, even if no eggs are collected or if the eggs do not fertilize and as such, the full cycle fee applies.

Should the cycle be cancelled prior to the egg pick up procedure, cancellations fees will apply. These fees will be explained to you in detail by our administration team. For more information on fees associated with a cancelled cycle please ask one of our admin/accounts team.

Laboratory Fees
Frozen Embryo Transfer Fees (FET) most laboratory fees are included in the price quoted for an FET cycle, unless you require embryos to be cultured or re-frozen. This will be discussed with you in advance and quoted accordingly.
ICSI is not always needed when you have an IVF cycle, but if this laboratory procedure is required, there will be an additional charge. You will be quoted on this laboratory service when administration talks with you about the fee estimate for your cycle, if your specialist recommends it. You will be advised of the cost and rebates associated with the item.

ICSI is Medicare item number 13251. ICSI has a Medicare rebate and safety net associated with it. Your ICSI Medicare claim will be processed by Medicare with your IVF cycle claim.
Once your IVF cycle is completed, the laboratory will notify accounts if there are surplus embryos suitable for freezing. The cost of freezing and storing embryos initially will be discussed with you at your initial interview.

Ongoing storage fees are invoiced every 6 months or part thereof. You will receive a letter with information about the storage options and an invoice will be sent to you one month prior to your storage account being due.

Learn more about Embryo Freezing and Storage and Storage of Your Eggs, Sperm, or Embryos.
If a patient is having an operative sperm retrieval procedure, there will be extra fees involved. Exactly what the cost will be will depend on whether you are having the procedure in a hospital (and if you have private health insurance) or at the clinic.

Irrespective, you will receive an account from the doctor performing the procedure. Fertility Solutions will bill you a laboratory fee. This fee covers a scientist attending the sperm collection procedure, examining the tissue from this procedure for any suitable sperm, and providing a report to the specialist and yourself as to the outcome of the procedure.

For more information on fees associated with a SSC please ask one of our admin/accounts team. For more information on fees associated with clinic laboratory procedures please ask one of our admin/accounts team.
If a woman is undergoing treatment for a medical condition that may result in a compromise to her fertility – such as chemotherapy – she may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for egg freezing. If egg freezing is being performed for social reasons (i.e. there is no fertility or medical issue identified that could affect fertility), then no Medicare rebates will apply and full payment will be required.

For either cycle (medical or social), you will need to pay a deposit or provide the clinic with a credit card authority when your cycle commences. Payment for the procedure must be made 3-5 days prior to the egg collection, if payment is being made by direct deposit or the day before the egg collection if payment is by credit card. Cancellation fees will apply if the cycle is cancelled prior to the egg collection.

Specialist, anesthetist hospital fees and Fertility Solutions fees will apply for an IVF cycle where eggs are frozen.

When the decision is made to have the frozen eggs thawed, fertilized with partner or donor sperm, and subsequent implantation of an embryo to the uterus and freezing of any suitable surplus embryos, you will be quoted on any associated fees.

An overview of cost for these procedures will be discussed with you in advance at egg freezing stage, so you are aware of what future costs may be involved.  For more information on fees associated with egg freezing please ask one of our admin/accounts team.

Medicare Online Claiming

Fertility Solutions offers patients the convenience of online claiming. In order to make the process easier for you we send your claim directly to Medicare. Please note claims for procedures cannot be submitted to Medicare until after the procedure has taken place.

From time to time it may be necessary to have tests (scans or blood tests) outside the providers recommended by Fertility Solutions.  If this is to happen please contact the clinic who can inform you of any additional costs that may be incurred. In some instances, there are no additional costs.

If you find yourself needing to outsource your bloods or scans, please contact administration and they will seek clarification of the costs differences for you.
Fertility Solutions Sunshine Coast Bank account details: (Please place your name in the description)

BSB 084 846

ACCOUNT 86 679 2117 

Fertility Solutions Bundaberg Bank account details: (Please place your name in the description)

BSB 084 801

ACCOUNT 18 428 9477

Please note all credit card payments will have a 1% surcharge applied to them.
We provide our patients with the option of either paying the full payment for their IVF Cycle or the gap payment. If paying the full IVF cycle fee, you will be eligible fora discount.

For more information on this discount please contact one of our admin/accounts team. If you chose to pay the gap payment you will receive a Cheque from Medicare made out to your specialist. This Cheque will need to forwarded to the clinic as this will be outstanding on your account until received.

Fertility Solutions reviews its fees on a yearly basis which may result in changes to treatment prices. Quotes provided are subject to change without notice and are valid for 1 month.

For any questions regarding fees and payments, please contact administration on 1300 337 845 (1300 FERTILITY).