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Fertility Solutions Bundaberg 10 Year Anniversary

Fertility Solutions Ten Year Anniversary

2018 marks the 10th year anniversary of Fertility Solutions Bundaberg. A decade ago founders Denies Donati, Dr’s James Orford and George Bogiatzis opened the clinic doors and have since provided 1000’s of Queensland families with the chance of having a baby.

“Looking back on where we started and where we are today, is humbling. We are so privileged to have had shared so many journeys and witness so many little miracles being conceived right here in Bundaberg” say Denise Donati, Clinic and Nurse Manager.

In 2008 Fertility Solutions Bundaberg had their first successful pregnancy resulting in the birth of Bundaberg’s first little miracle, a baby boy.  In the first few years the clinic primarily supported and managed patients through their cycles, with patients needing to travel to the Sunshine Coast to have procedures.  The Bundaberg clinic is now a fully functional fertility clinic with a sophisticated scientific laboratory along with full time fertility nursing, laboratory and administrative staff.  We also have an experienced fertility specialist located in Bundaberg and visiting specialists from the Sunshine Coast to consult with patients and to preform procedures.  Patients now no longer need to travel to the Sunshine Coast or further afield to access high quality fertility treatment.

During our 10 years, the clinic has adapted to patient demands, offering new and innovated services always with the focus on providing affordable options to all patients based on their needs and best practice. Today Fertility Solutions Bundaberg offers a full range of fertility treatments.

Doctor George Bogiatzis said, advances and research in IVF have significantly improved over the past 10 years and patients today have a much better chance of a pregnancy. And,

Dr James Orford remarks that now more than ever, patients are needing and accessing fertility treatment. “Patients are delaying starting a family for a variety of reasons however the single most important fact to remember is that female AGE predominantly determines success when it comes to fertility treatment” comments Dr Orford. “Fertility treatment is more common than the public might think, with 1 in 6 couples needing some assistance to conceive” adds Dr Orford

Fertility Solutions will mark the 10 Year Anniversary by celebrating with past and current patients. Fertility Solutions invites all patients and their little miracles to join them for Lunch being held on the 27 June at the Bundaberg clinic on Woongarra St. “We would love to see our patients for lunch and to be part of our 10 Year Celebrations as our patients are the centre of what we do” comments Denise Donati.

Final comments from Denise Donati during the press release, “We have all been on an exciting journey over the past 10 years and we are proud of what we have accomplished and achieved. We are dedicated to working hard so that we can not only offer patients choices but also affordable options. On behalf of the directors I would like to sincerely thank all our staff and patients for helping us achieve this wonderful milestone”