August 26: Fertility Health Checks Learn More

About Unexplained Infertility

unexplained fertility

Significant advances and new discoveries have been made over recent years in the areas of diagnosis and treatment of some of the most common reproductive disorders. The overall reported incidences of infertility seem to have remained unchanged for the most part; however, the rate of success for many of the infertility treatments have seen marked improvement with the widespread use of assisted reproductive technologies. Treatment options that might be available and the success rates can vary depending on the underlying cause of infertility. It is estimated that anywhere from 15% to 30% of couples who are having trouble getting pregnant will get a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. It can be discouraging to have multiple fertility tests only to be told that there seems to be no identifiable cause.

Possible Reasons for Unexplained Infertility
  • Even if all seems apparently normal with egg and sperm development and the fallopian tubes, the fact that the sperm reaches the egg and subsequently fertilises it, cannot be guaranteed. .
  • Without doing IVF it is difficult to get any real conclusive information about the egg, sperm and embryo quality and viability.
  • Even with normal sperm counts and normal semen parameters, the sperm can still not succeed at one of the extremely important steps needed to fertilize the egg. This could be a sperm or an egg problem or a combination of both.

A diagnosis of “unexplained infertility” can be devastating and very frustrating, but that alone does not have to mean treatment options are not available. Some or all of these potential causes of infertility can be overcome by using a number of treatment options.

To schedule a private consultation with a fertility specialist, please call 1300 337 845 (1300 FERTILITY). You can also request a fertility consultation using our online form. One of our specialists will follow up with you promptly.