August 26: Fertility Health Checks Learn More

Are we the 1 in 6 couple who will need help to conceive?

One in six couples need assistance to help fall pregnant

We go about life, busy with our careers and social networks, knowing that one day we will have a baby.  But when the time does finally comes and you have both decided to start trying, every month is met with disappointment and frustration caused by negative pregnancy tests.  Well, you are not alone! It is estimated that as many as one in six couples have trouble falling pregnant.  Some couples may require minimal intervention such as education around understanding the menstrual cycle so your most fertile time in the cycle can be identified.  For others they will require investigations to determine if and what the issue may be, which can then lead onto having fertility treatment.  Certainly, female age or the “biological clock” is a major contributor to infertility but there are many other reasons why a couple may not become pregnant.

How do I know if I am the 1 in 6 couple who will need help to conceive?

  1. You have been trying for 6 months without success!

Each month, for a young women in her mid to late 20’s the chance of conceiving is approximately 20-25%, so it is a good idea to check in with your GP if you have been trying for more than 6 months.   Although it may be daunting, remember that falling pregnant is not as easy as you may think, you are not alone, 1 in 6 will need help to conceive.   Your GP can organise specific blood tests for you both, along with a semen analysis and ultrasound scans to investigate to see if there are any issues that may be impacting upon your ability to conceive.

  1. My menstrual cycle (period) is absent or irregular

Another indication that you should seek help is if your cycle is absent or irregular.  It is important to know when you are ovulating and therefore at your most fertile.   If your cycle is unpredictable this makes it difficult to pinpoint the best time to try for a baby.  There are so many Apps to track cycles and ovulation – it’s a good idea to start tracking your cycles so that you understand what your cycle is like over a 3-6 month period.  This can help your doctor during the investigating phase. Your cycle can be influenced by many factors such as being overweight, underweight, exercising excessively or being exposed to high levels of stress or other lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption.  If you feel that some of these are an issue for you and your partner, we strongly recommend that you speak to your GP or a fertility nurse who will be able to suggest ways to assist manage these issues.

  1. I have been diagnosed with Endometriosis or PCOS

The diagnosis of endometriosis or PCOS can be completely devastating, and it can be a lonely experience; however, there is good news. These diagnoses don’t have to be the end of a couple’s dream of a family of their own. With modern medicine and science, overcoming these issues has become much easier and much more effective.  Your fertility specialist will discuss treatment options with you so as to determine which path is the most appropriate for your circumstances. If you think you need help to conceive, we will be there every step of the way.

If you can relate to any of these points you may be one of the 1 in 6 couples who need more investigations.  Whilst facing this can be challenging it can, in fact, help you on your way to finding a solution and moving closer to a pregnancy.  Seeking help may be your first step to creating your little miracle.

Fertility Solutions offer free and confidential consultations with a fertility nurse, either face to face at our clinics or over the phone.  To organise a free appointment email us or call on 1300 FERTILITY (337 845)