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Detox With Dry Body Brushing

Dry body brushing is an inexpensive way to detoxify the body in less than 5 minutes a day.  It requires no special tools other than a long handled natural bristle body brush that can be purchased from your local health food store for a few dollars.

Some Benefits of Dry Body Brushing
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system to improve the elimination of toxins
  • Remove dead skin cells
  • Stimulates circulation and skin renewal
  • Stimulates hormone function
  • Rejuvenates the nervous system
  • Aids digestion
  • Can assist with minimizing cellulite
  • Contributes to improved muscle tone
  • Makes an excellent treatment for cellulite and fluid-retention problems
How to Dry Brush Your Body

Remove your clothing and find a place where you are comfortable.  It is best to brush the body in upward strokes toward the heart, with the exception of the torso.  Start by brushing the soles of your feet, then the tops. making your way toward your ankles.

Then make firm strokes up the calves as you head toward the back of the knees.  Keep going over the backs of the knees and make your way to the groin and the armpits (these are major lymphatic drainage regions) before heading back to the fronts of the thighs starting at the knees and working upwards to the groin (again), hips, and backs of the thighs (use firm upward strokes).

Use good firm strokes as you do.  If cellulite on your thighs is a concern, spend some extra time brushing over the area using circular motions.  Move up and brush the abdomen using circular motions then brush the palms of the hands from the fingertips to the wrists before moving all the way up the arm toward the armpits and shoulders.  Lightly brush over the breasts before finally brushing as much of your back as you are able to reach comfortably.

Some Extra Dry Brushing Tips

  • Feel free to remove the wooden handle if it gets in the way at any stage
  • Brush gently to begin with as a new brush can feel quite harsh then move on to firmer strokes
  • Pay special attention to the groin and armpits, as they are major lymphatic drainage regions
  • Remember to brush evenly on both sides of the body
  • Aim to dry brush daily before your morning or evening shower
  • Clean your brush every few weeks in water and allow to dry