August 26: Fertility Health Checks Learn More

Your Questions Answered

Frequently Asked Questions for Fertility Patients


My injections are supposed to start but my period has not come yet, should I start?

Do not start any medications prior to speaking with a nurse either at the clinic during business hours (8am to 4pm) or the nurse on-call if it is a weekend (8am to 5pm).

I have been told to take the oral contraceptive pill or OCP, which pills do I take?

Only take the active pills, not the sugar pills. You should have 21 active tablets and 7 sugar tablets. Take the active tablets as directed on your cycle instructions at the same time each day.

I have forgotten what my dose is – how do I find that?

Your dose is detailed on your Cycle Instructions & Medication sheet which was given to you or emailed to you when you had your follow-up appointment. It is always updated and emailed to you again once you have had your Day 1 of cycle test.

I missed my Synarel nasal spray dose, what do I do?

Administer your dose immediately if you have it with you or as soon as possible before you next dose is due.

I don’t know if I got my Synarel nasal spray dose, I felt it drip down the back of my throat. What should I do?

If you have sprayed the Synarel into your nostril then you have received the dose. The mucous membranes in the sinus absorb the medication rapidly, you do not need to give yourself another dose.

Do I need to keep taking the nasal spray once I start the FSH injections?

Yes, do not stop taking the nasal spray until instructed.

Do I need to keep taking the FSH injections once I start the Orgalutran injections?

Yes, if you are on a Short Antagonist cycle, the Orgalutran is usually commenced on Day 5 of your FSH injections and you continue taking both injections daily in the morning.

I am late with my FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) injection, should I skip it?

No, it is important that you do not miss an FSH injection. Please administer the injection as soon as you remember and contact your clinic nurse. FSH injections should not vary more than 2 hours outside of the normal time you administer your injections. It is a good idea to set an alarm.

I have started my injections but now have spotting- is that normal?

Spotting can be common in the first 5 days of your injection phase, especially if you have been on oral contraceptive pill and it usually settles within a couple of days. Your routine scans will assess both your follicular and endometrial (uterus lining) development.

I feel tired, have a headache and nausea since starting medication – is that normal?

Yes, these are some of the more common side effects of IVF medications. Please check the documentation that was sent with your medications from the Pharmacy which confirms the common side effects for your specific medications.

I’m late with my trigger injection for my IVF cycle, what will I do?

If it is within a couple of hours of your trigger time administer your trigger immediately and advise the nursing team between 8-9am the following morning for further instructions.  If your egg collection time cannot be moved your cycle may need to be cancelled.

The trigger injection is precisely timed so that it gives your eggs a specific length of time for final maturation and controls the timing of ovulation in direct relationship with the time of your egg collection.

I’m late with my trigger injection for my FET cycle, what will I do?

The timing for this is not quite as critical as for an IVF cycle. We usually advise you to have the trigger at 7pm, but you have a couple of hours either side of this which is also fine.

I have all these progesterone pessaries/gel (Oripro, Utrogestan, Crinone), when do I start these?

In any type of treatment cycle, the progesterone support will start after ovulation or after your egg collection. The nurse will update you through your cycle instructions and verbally when to start these.

I forgot to take one of my progesterone pessaries (Oripro, Utrogestan, Crinone), what should I do?

Administer your dose as soon as you remember. In most cycle types we are topping up your natural levels so timing of dosage is not critical. However, if you are on a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle and are taking progynova or zumenon (oestrogen) tablets then your progesterone support is vital as you are not producing any progesterone naturally. Contact a nurse if you have missed more than one dose for further advice.


Do I need a full bladder for my ultrasound scan appointment?

No, if you are having any type of in-cycle scan which is done with a transvaginal ultrasound probe, we request that you empty your bladder on arrival at the clinic or just before you go to the scanning room.

Do I need a full bladder for my embryo transfer appointment?

Yes, we recommend that you empty your bladder an hour prior to your appointment time and then drink 500mls of water. Please let us know on arrival if you are uncomfortably full.

My embryo transfer is scheduled for ——-, do I have my lunch time pessary before my transfer?

You can hold off on your midday dose of oripro, utrogestan or crinone (progesterone) until after your transfer occurs.


My period has started, when do I have my blood test?

Day 1 of your cycle is classified as normal menstrual flow occurring before midday. If this is the case then have your test as soon as possible in the morning.  If you are just spotting in the morning and normal menstrual flow occurs in the afternoon or evening then the next day is classified as Day 1 of your cycle which is when you have your test.

For Day 1 blood test

  • IVF/ICSI cycles – for same day results in most areas it is important to have your blood test as soon as possible in the morning. Please call the clinic in the morning to advise that your period has started and you have had your blood test. Please then call back between 3 -4pm for your results and updated instructions. If it is a weekend, please notify the nurse on-call that you have had your test and call back between 4-5pm for your results and updated instructions.
  • Frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle – natural or ovulation induction using Letrozole or Clomid – Same as IVF/ICSI cycles except if it is a weekend have your blood test and contact the clinic on Monday morning for further instructions. If you don’t have a QML collection centre open near you on a Sunday you can have your test on the Monday morning.
  • Frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle – programmed/hormone replacement using Progynova or Zumenon – you don’t need a blood test, please just do a home pregnancy test and let us know on the same business day or if it is the weekend on Monday morning.
  • Intrauterine insemination cycle (IUI) – Same as IVF/ICSI cycles except if it is a weekend have your blood test and contact the clinic on Monday morning for further instructions. If you don’t have a QML collection centre open near you on a Sunday you can have your test on the Monday morning.

Do I need to fast for my blood test?

No, you do not need to fast for any of your cycle related hormone tests.

Where is the QML that is open on weekend?

Maroochydore QML on the corner of Horton Parade and Aerodrome Road (opposite Hungry Jacks). Saturday 8am – 12pm and Sunday 8am – 11am. There are several other QML clinics open on the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane region Saturday morning, please check the QML website, under locations for further options.

Nambour – Ann Street from 8am – 12md

Gympie – Channon Street from 6.30 – 11.30am

Bundaberg – Hinkler Place Shopping Centre from 8am – 10.15am

Hervey Bay – Liuzzi Street, from 8.30am – 11.30am

Please double check the QML website for updated information as these times may be subject to change.

What if I need a blood test on a public holiday?

The clinic will book you in for a test on a public holiday if necessary and will advise you of a time and location.


Do I need to fast for my egg collection?

Yes, fasting from midnight the night prior to your egg collection is important.  This information is on your egg collection booking instructions.

What do I need to bring for my egg collection?

We suggest that you wear loose comfortable clothing and have a pair of socks handy. If you have dietary restrictions, please bring along a snack for after your procedure. You can also bring along a heat pack which we can warm for you for the way home.

Please shower in the morning at home before your egg collection and avoid the use of any deodorants, perfumes, essential oils or anything that has a strong odour. 

Can my partner be with me during my egg collection?

No, unfortunately your partner cannot be with you during the egg collection procedure. If your egg collection is in the clinic, your partner can be with you as soon as your procedure is over and you are in recovery. For hospital egg collections your partner or support person cannot stay with you during your admission, procedure or recovery.


I am due for pregnancy test soon and have started bleeding, what should I do?

Please contact the clinic and speak with your nurse, continue with your progesterone support or other medications.

I have had a negative urine pregnancy test; do I still have to do the blood test?

Yes, we don’t want you to cease medications based off a urinary test as they can occasionally be inaccurate and we are required by our regulatory body to report on cycle outcomes from a serum BhCG test (pregnancy blood test).

I have had a positive pregnancy test, what now?

If your home test kit was completed at the recommended time, 1 day prior to your blood test date and was positive then have your blood test as planned and speak with your nurse between 3-4pm the same day (rural area results may take 2 days) for confirmation and further instructions. In most cases we will recommend that you see your specialist for a scan in 3 weeks’ time.

I have had a recent positive pregnancy test; do I keep taking my medication?

Yes, any medication you have been on at the time of your pregnancy test will continue. It is important to check your supply of medication and speak with your nurse as it may take several days to obtain further scripts and have them dispensed through IVF Pharmacy Services express post-delivery or through your local chemist.


Can I go swimming?

We advise avoiding swimming for 7 days after your egg collection. If you have had a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) cycle then we advise to avoid swimming for 2 days after your embryo transfer.

Can I bring my partner/mother/friend/child to my appointment?

A partner or support person is welcome to attend all appointments. Ideally children need to be supervised. However, if we are experiencing COVID restrictions a partner/support person can only attend the clinic for your embryo transfer or to provide a semen sample.

How do I arrange a medical certificate?

Please contact your specialists’ rooms to request this. The certificate will not state anything about fertility treatment.

If you have any further questions please contact your nursing team –