August 26: Fertility Health Checks Learn More

Donation of Embryos

Donation of Embryos and Using Donor Embryos

Donation of embryos is a very important part of fertility treatment. There are many couples and individuals who are desperate to have a baby and the gift of donation may be the only chance they will ever have to become a parent. In September 2019,  ABC’s Australian Story interviewed two incredible couples about their story and the ultimate gift of embryo donation. Click here to watch the video in full. 

Donation of embryos and using donor embryos can be a particularly emotional and complex treatment option. For this reason, Fertility Solutions carry out a thorough process so that both the donor (and partner if applicable) and the donor-recipient(s) are well prepared.

Fertility Solutions donor program facilitates treatment with known or clinic recruited donors with treatments being available at both clinics.

If you are considering donation of embryos or using donor embryos, Fertility Solutions offer a free consultation with our Donor Nurse Coordinator. Click here to book an appointment. 

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Why Do I Have Less Eggs Than Follicles and Even Fewer Embryos?
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Coping With The Emotions Of Trying To Conceive
Using Donor Sperm, Eggs and Embryos