August 26: Fertility Health Checks Learn More

Your Weight and Fertility

How your weight affects you chance to get pregnant

Your weight has a direct relationship with pregnancy rates.  In fact, pregnancy rates of women at a normal weight is almost double that of obese women. In this article, we’ll look at your weight and fertility journey.

Am I considered a normal weight range?

This link will help you determine if you are a normal weight range or not. Calculate my weight range and BMI?  

Women: if your BMI is 30 or more and your waist circumference is greater than 80cm,

Men: if your BMI is 30 or more and your waist circumference is greater than 94cm,

then we encourage you to lose 5% body weight prior to treatment to improve your chances of conception.

At Fertility Solutions were have seen the results from women who have addressed their weight issues and dramatically changed the type of cycle and responses to treatment. 

What can you do today to make a change:

Pregnancy Rates and your BMI are an important issue to discuss with your specialist. If patients would like to further discuss weight loss and the effects on pregnancy rates please email